While vetting out the site to execute a plan of murdering 10 Islamic Scholars of Jamia Ahmedia Madrassa (Islamic School) in the town of Sholoshohor, Chittagong a Shibir activist was apprehended. The culprit's name is Mahmudul Hasan who was caught with a list of those 10 Islamic scholars.
Selon un article du 28 février sur www.rfi.fr, l’internationalité du ‘tribunal international des crimes’ du Bangladesh est contestable sous le prétexte que ce n’est pas supervisé par l’ONU. Ce commentaire est lourdement erroné.
Children being used as “human shield”
S.M. Rana, Chittagong
(Translated from Kaaler Kantho, a popular Bangla Daily. Link to original article: http://goo.gl/hV0s2)
Article from Kaaler Kontho, Sunday March 03, 2013
Original by Ujjwal Biswas, Baashkhali
“The staircase was on fire. There was no way out. I dropped my wife and my child from first floor and jumped to the ground myself.”
Undoubtedly Bangladesh is at a critical juncture. What's going to happen in the next week or two will clearly determine where the country will be in the next 40 or 50 years. It's no longer just about the trial of war criminals, it's about our agility, our resilience, our strength and of course our identity.
To the Islamic leaders in the United States:
All over the world, media is spreading different type of propaganda regarding the ongoing mass movement in Bangladesh, of course to serve interest of specific group. It is now important to stand against the false presentation of history and intentional misinterpretation of our movement.
A rebuttal on recent published article of Human Rights Watch [22]
Fellow Bloggers: Himu, Tulip, Audity, Kallol
If armed rescue officers failed to reach the spot, 19 police officers were bound to get burnt to death. This story unfolded in Amirabad, south Chittagong in the afternoon of last Thursday. Earlier that day, one member of the same police department got hacked to death by activists of Jamaat-Shibir.