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Other Blue

রিক্তা's picture
Submitted by rikta [Guest] on Tue, 31/07/2018 - 10:20pm

Great feeling usually starts with  a great desperation. Like always this four-year-old was up for 14 hours straight. I love him from his toenail to sharp tips of his teeth and every time he laughs my heart misses a beat, cortisol level goes down. But tomorrow is a Monday and it is 8:45PM. So I packed him in a stroller and went for a desperate walk.

Twilight Tea

রিক্তা's picture
Submitted by rikta [Guest] on Tue, 23/01/2018 - 5:21pm

My sister is not the best tea maker of the world. But, she can definitely make best out of the situation. Situation is back home, in bangladesh 20 years ago, when we bought tea leaves loose and milk daily. We used to running out of tea ingredients everyday. Less than half cup of milk or just 1 teaspoon of tea leaves was an everyday thing. With some kind of magic she made the tea with same consistency every time in the dented kettle-mug on the gas stove-top.

Get off the Merry-Go-Round

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Wed, 30/03/2016 - 10:59pm

Recently I was watching a talk show and someone was saying,
'During Charlie Hebdo, thousands of people marched to defend their right to offend Muslims but no one raised their voice when their children were killed in Pakistan.'

The Fair & Lovely Culture

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Wed, 06/01/2016 - 7:53am

I got brown skin. Milk-chocolate tone! During summer months, when I grill myself in bikini by the beach, my skin turns a few shades darker – quite close to dark chocolate. But that is today’s me, which is dramatically different from yesterday’s version, when I was being ruled by the ‘Fair & Lovely’ regime.

The Origin of Heavy Metal (Part -1)

সংসপ্তক's picture
Submitted by shangshaptak on Sat, 01/08/2015 - 4:11pm

“[i]……. it seemed at last that there were two musics progressing at one time before the seat of Illúvatar, and they were utterly at variance. The one was deep and wide and beautiful, but slow and blended with an immeasurable sorrow, from which its beauty chiefly came.

To close to smell her breath

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Fri, 12/06/2015 - 3:32am

To close to smell her breath
- Rownak Albab

[justify]I went so close that I could hear her breath, Knowing that it is the largest cat species and it probably weighted more than 93-310 kg and can run up to 49-65 km per hour.

Dr. Avijit Roy: Science vs. Religious Extremism

নীল রোদ্দুর's picture
Submitted by jawshan [Guest] on Sun, 29/03/2015 - 11:31pm

We do not express ourselves anymore. We do not get a chance to share our knowledge anymore. We are not allowed to raise our voice anymore. We have been threatened by the religious extremist group of Bangladesh for our intellect, for our voice, for our efforts to spread knowledge throughout the society. Our pens are demanding justice for Dr. Avijit Roy. How loudly we shout for our right for freedom of speech, no one cares. How spontaneously we want to live on this earth, neither our government nor the religious extremist group values our life. The religious extremist group attacked on Dr. Humayun Azad on 27th February, 2005. When Dr. Humayun Azad was attacked by the Islamic terrorist, our senior generation and general citizens stayed silent. The government finished their duties by financing the medical cost of his treatment. No justice has come in ten years. Islamic terrorist continued to terrorize the Bangladeshis for ten years. On 26th February, 2015, exactly after ten years, another brutal killing has taken place, as if they are marking one decade of terrorization through another intellectual killing.

Good bye, Sir Terry

হিমু's picture
Submitted by himu on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 10:06pm

: You're the guy, right?
: YES.
: So this is what it's like?
: YES.
: I thought it would be...
: Something in that direction, yes.
: I was sharp, wasn't I?

Journey towards “Happy Arabia”

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Wed, 11/03/2015 - 9:52pm

It was about 10:30 pm. I reached Sana’a, the capital city of Yemen. The whole country is surrounded by hills. In Arabic, Yemen means South Arabia. It was the center of civilization and wealth on the Arabian Peninsula for centuries. That’s why the Romans referred to the area as "Happy Arabia".