A new beginning

নীলকান্ত's picture
Submitted by nilkanto on Wed, 27/08/2014 - 5:55am

It took 42 hours to reach my current location from Bangladesh.
We, the ones who seek better life, better opportunity, selfish ones all go out at some point. Then we all return when our interest is served by our country the best. I am one of those.

This is not a writing about my regret or the reasons. This is a writing for what to expect and what not to expect from abroad.


কর্ণজয়'s picture
Submitted by কর্ণজয় on Sun, 10/08/2014 - 5:45pm

The lady tries to make her face grimy, terrible, dreadful as like the Death. Spread out the eyes in full length. Shouting like the Thunder. Dancing like snakes. As she is coming to kill the girl.
The girl starts acting. She makes herself a statue. A frightened statue. She knows this keeps the drama rolling. She starts watching.

Demographic status and my experience

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Wed, 06/08/2014 - 2:20am

We are living in such kind of world in where we have to face complex and harsh reality. We have to lead our life into the path of cultural and social confliction. Sometimes we discriminate and sometimes we are being discriminated. So as everybody I have personal experience of discriminating and being discriminated.

Letters to Mayabee: 01

কর্ণজয়'s picture
Submitted by কর্ণজয় on Tue, 05/08/2014 - 3:51pm

Think about 10. Beautiful. Let us go. For jujudshu in the moon. .
Ah Mayabee! Don’t laugh. I’m in my way of expression.
It is very important. For you. & Us.
The result of Brain analysis of Neymar. Number 10. The Brazilian Football Hero is very important. Could you tell the essence of that research? This is not game. This is science.

Leadership on the Line by Martin Linsky—Chapter 5 Review: Orchestrate the Conflict

নীলকান্ত's picture
Submitted by nilkanto on Wed, 11/06/2014 - 11:55pm

Conflict is quite natural in any kind of group. How one defines, identifies and handles the conflict determines the ability of the person's Leadership quality. It's important for the authoritative figure to orchestrate the conflict and to ensure constructive energy of the group is utilized and destructive potentials neutralized.

Leadership on the Line by Martin Linsky—Chapter 4 Review: Think Politically

নীলকান্ত's picture
Submitted by nilkanto on Mon, 02/06/2014 - 2:21am

[justify]Politics is all about relation, communication and interpretation. Being a Leader, One must put the hat on in all times possible. Relationships play important part and working with those relations are more important. The chapter talks about 6 types of relations but it’s not an easy task to keep up all 6 roles. But that’s what Leadership really means, maintaining all ends.

Leadership on the Line by Martin Linsky—Chapter 3 Review: Get on the Balcony

নীলকান্ত's picture
Submitted by nilkanto on Tue, 29/04/2014 - 11:49pm

After finishing this part of the book, the first thing that came up in my mind is-“staying alive is important.”

råtten byen

নীলকান্ত's picture
Submitted by nilkanto on Mon, 21/04/2014 - 8:01pm


I live in a Rotten City. Every Morning I wake up hoping that I am in different world.

Technology has not gone that far I guess.

I open up the tap only to find metal sound of me moving the head.

No water. How many days it has been?

January, February, March....actually lost track.

I find myself trying to hear life. No water, no life I guess.

Childhood obesity and Bangladesh

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Sat, 08/03/2014 - 3:24am

In our part of the world, where chubby children are considered cute and healthy, parents often fret over the physical appearances of their children. There are parents who routinely feed their children burgers, fries, pizzas, pastries, etc. from the belief that these will make their children appear healthy.

Leadership on the Line by Martin Linsky—Chapter 2 Review: The Faces of Danger

নীলকান্ত's picture
Submitted by nilkanto on Thu, 06/03/2014 - 6:36pm

The title carries the chapter’s intention. Intention to make us understand the forces or faces the dangers of being in front will hold. Most of the times when you are trying to do something good (in your own sense), the obstacle comes from some place we barely give a thought about.