Brother of witness, musician Bulbul, against Golam Azam murdered

অদ্বিতীয়'s picture
Submitted by auditio [Guest] on Sun, 10/03/2013 - 9:13am

Railway police recovered the deadbody of lyricist & composer Ahmed Imtiaz Bulbul's younger brother from beside the Kuril flyover of the capital.

The musician was a witness against former Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Golam Azam in the International Criminal Tribunal.

Twitter and #shahbag: why we care

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Sun, 10/03/2013 - 3:13am

We may use Facebook or other online social media for sharing our status to friends, to post some pictures of what we are eating or what movies we just watched, but may be it's time we realized the real power of social media to democratize people and technology. While many of us have a computer/cell phone with internet connection, let's think about what we can do with these tools.

White House Petition Scam: Large Scale usage of fake email IDs?

মহা_পুরুষ's picture
Submitted by Mohapurush [Guest] on Fri, 08/03/2013 - 11:05pm

[justify]On February 16 2013, a petition was created to get attention from the Obama administration regarding the ongoing “International War Crime Tribunal and ‘Mob Justice’ in Bangladesh” (

Shahbag : where justice prevails and impunity ends

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Thu, 07/03/2013 - 10:37pm

Shahbag movement believes in people’s power, believes in democracy, believes in peaceful protest, which we have successfully demonstrated since last month. We will continue this protest until every single war criminal is brought under justice.

Govt lost BDT225cr, no records of other losses

অদ্বিতীয়'s picture
Submitted by auditio [Guest] on Thu, 07/03/2013 - 12:21pm

Translation of article published in Kaler Kontho on March 07, 2013

Translated by: Anonymous

Residents of Bogra stunned

অদ্বিতীয়'s picture
Submitted by auditio [Guest] on Thu, 07/03/2013 - 11:05am

Date: March 7, 2013
Translation of article released in the Daily Prothom Alo:

Timeline of Blogger Rajib Hyder's murder

পৃথ্বী's picture
Submitted by Prithvi [Guest] on Wed, 06/03/2013 - 9:48pm

Blogger Ahmed Rajib Hyder(Shovon), writing under the pseudonym “Thaba baba”, was known for his strong anti-religion rhetoric and his equally vocal opposition to the “Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islam” party, which aided and actively participated in the genocide of Bengali population alongside the Pakistani army in the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971.

And Then There Was A Movement ....

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Wed, 06/03/2013 - 7:10am

Auseinandersetzungen um Aufarbeitung des Unabhängigkeitskrieges 1971 eskalieren. Islamisten ­reagieren mit Generalstreik auf Tod

সুমন চৌধুরী's picture
Submitted by suman on Wed, 06/03/2013 - 1:25am

In Bangladesch haben die Auseinandersetzungen um das Vorgehen der Justiz gegen führende Mitglieder der islamistischen Partei Dschamat-E-Islami in den vergangenen Tagen mindestens 61 Menschenleben gefordert.

Reports of Jamaat and Shibir Clashes with Police (Feb 28 - Mar 3)

গামা মামা's picture
Submitted by Jumbojet [Guest] on Tue, 05/03/2013 - 10:30pm

The following is an account of various clashes between Jamaat and Shibir activists and law and security forces (Police, BGB) over the last few days, after the sentencing of Delwar Hossein Sayeedee by the International Crimes Tribunal. Several reports are available in English, but most of them are very concise, and a lot of the incidents have not been reported.