Selon un article du 28 février sur, l’internationalité du ‘tribunal international des crimes’ du Bangladesh est contestable sous le prétexte que ce n’est pas supervisé par l’ONU. Ce commentaire est lourdement erroné.
All over the world, media is spreading different type of propaganda regarding the ongoing mass movement in Bangladesh, of course to serve interest of specific group. It is now important to stand against the false presentation of history and intentional misinterpretation of our movement.
Jamaat-e-Islami and their war criminal leaders of 1971 have tried to hide behind "Holy Quran" to cover their misdeeds. But no matter how much you try to hide your bad deeds behind Holy Quran, you will get exposed; the curse of Holy Quran will not only engulf you, you yourself will make you life a cursed life. Holy Quran is not just a religious book it is a guard against all "Unjust". So, the "User" of Holy Quran as a shield, be careful.
Le “Shahbag protest” ou encore le “Shahbag Projonmo Chottor” a débuté le 5 Février 2013 au coeur de la capitale, dans le quartier des universités de Dhaka.
There has been an ongoing massive protest happening in Bangladesh demanding prosecution and ensuring just justice for war criminals of its independence war in 1971. The peaceful protest of unprecedented scale has been taking place for the last eighteen days. The voices of Bangladesh have been tirelessly showing their conviction in protesting against the verdict of the prosecuted 1971 war criminal Abdul Quader Mollah. The verdict was announced on February 5th, 2013 and it has been broadly deemed to be too lenient. The smile and victory sign shown by Quader Molla to the journalists will make anyone search for the deeper context of this verditct. But it was a little too much for the Bangladeshi people who have been agonizingly waiting for the last 42 years to finally have some justice. Within hours, hundreds and thousands of spontaneous protesters gathered together in a central crossing of Dhaka city, known as Shahbag square.
For those of us, who learned about our liberation war of 1971 through history books or from our parents, the 2013's Shahbag has a different, unique and important meaning. Don't get me wrong, nothing can be compared with '71, nothing at all.
1. Formally established on 26 August 1941, Jamaat -e - Islami's (JI) intellectual inspiration came from the thoughts of Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi, a journalist, theologian and political thinker. The vision of its formations was (i) pan-Islamist in nature (Islamic state without boundary) (ii) to transcend the national boundaries to encompass all peoples and countries (iii) become the moral guardians of Pakistan: a holy community that did not dirty its hands in the mud of political wrangling” [1, 2].
2. Maududi vehemently rejected the creation of an independent state for Muslims and suggested that the new country Pakistani should be named as Napak-istan [19]. In Maududi's own words “The establishment and birth of Pakistan is equivalent to the birth of a beast.” “Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s place is not on the throne of leadership. He deserves to face trial as a traitor” [12, 13].
After years of strong opposition towards the creation of Pakistan, denouncing Jinnah as a religious lightweight and decrying democracy as satan’s handiwork, Maududi made an astonishing 180 degree flip and embraced Pakistan, Jinnah and democracy in 1948. This is when he moved from India to Pakistan [11].
I am starting with the name of martyr Zobayer Hossain Rimu, starting by remembering those martyr whose names are forgotten by Bangladesh! Even though Bangladesh has forgotten, Jamat-Shibir is still reminiscent of their success. Starting by remembering those parents who taught their children the true history of Bangladesh’s birth, but did not get justice for the murder trial of their own child.
As some of you may be aware, a prominent blogger of Bangladesh was murdered today. Ahmed Rajib, 35 -- better known by his online identity Thaba Baba (the claw) – was found dead near his home in Dhaka's Pallabi suburb, with his head hacked apart with a machete.