Three Sachalayatan bloggers Ranadipam Basu, Tareq Rahim and Ahmedur Rashid Tutul, who is also the owner of the publishing company Sudhdhasor, were attacked in an attempt to kill on 31st October, 2015. Within few hours of the first attack the owner of another publishing company named Jagriti and a blogger Faisal Arefin Dipan was hacked to death. According to the latest news, the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF), a wing of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda claimed the responsibility for both the attacks. At the time of writing, Ranadipam, Tareq and Tutul were in stable condition. You can get live update on the attack in Bengali from this post by Haseeb Mahmud.
We are speechless. We are dumbfounded. We are shaken. We are hurt.
We are hurt, but our pens still work. We are dumbfounded, but our heads are as clear as a sunny day. We are shaken, but we are armed. Our pens, our keyboards and our smart phones are our weapons. Our sharp minds are our ammunition.