Archive - Mar 1, 2013 - ব্লগ


Jamaat's monetary engines

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Fri, 01/03/2013 - 3:47am

Have you ever thought about the origin of Jamaat's power which lets them commit such a massive terror throughout the country? How can they hire this multi-million dollar lobbying firm? Along with foreigners like Sharmila Bose, Tobi Kadman, and David Bergman, how do they control national traitors such as Kader Siddiqui, Pias Karim, Farhad Mazhar, and Asif Nazrul?

Tareque Masud Forever

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Fri, 01/03/2013 - 2:12am

I fell in love with Tareque and Catherine Masud when I watched the film "Muktir Gaan', for the first time, way back in the nineties. I was just a school going girl. I still remember the day. Ma and I went to watch together. I rushed back to Baba after the show and told him that I saw 'freedom fighters' - the real ones, forgetting about the fact that a real living one was sitting in front of me.

Gallows for Sayeedi: Terror unleashed in the name of "Jihad" by Jamaat-e-Islami

Fallen Leaf's picture
Submitted by A Mother [Guest] on Fri, 01/03/2013 - 1:32am

Jamaat-e-Islami and their war criminal leaders of 1971 have tried to hide behind "Holy Quran" to cover their misdeeds. But no matter how much you try to hide your bad deeds behind Holy Quran, you will get exposed; the curse of Holy Quran will not only engulf you, you yourself will make you life a cursed life. Holy Quran is not just a religious book it is a guard against all "Unjust". So, the "User" of Holy Quran as a shield, be careful.