I fell in love with Tareque and Catherine Masud when I watched the film "Muktir Gaan', for the first time, way back in the nineties. I was just a school going girl. I still remember the day. Ma and I went to watch together. I rushed back to Baba after the show and told him that I saw 'freedom fighters' - the real ones, forgetting about the fact that a real living one was sitting in front of me.
Being a child of a freedom fighter I grew up with ‘war stories’. Grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, - everyone had a lot to share with me. Especially I was a huge fan of "Baba's war stories". He and his freedom fighter friends were my childhood heroes. But these were simply stories for me, for us. The way I used to be emotionally moved after reading All Quiet on the Western Front, I used to be moved almost equally after reading Ekattorer Dinguli. Even if I used to dream a lot about fighting like my father at the front line, even if I used to dream of saving "shaheed Rumee's life - somehow", I could never comprehend the very essence of our "Muktijuddho" against my very own reality until I watched "Muktir Gaan".
It was so real, it felt so real! Initially it had felt like another ‘war movie’, but as I gradually delved into it I was surprised to see that I was not sitting in an auditorium anymore; it was the front line – the front line in 1971. I was completely mesmerized by the overwhelming, magical power of music in “Muktir Gaan”. I was with the team when they sang to inspire the freedom fighters. I was beside the river where they bathed in a cold morning, I was with the parrot, with the hyacinth flowers, in the house of an unknown person who gave them food, and I was in the truck where they tried to sleep for a while. It was so real!
No matter how much historical facts were being digested by me, nothing was possibly capable enough to bring the ‘passion of a freedom fighter’ out of me. “Muktir Gaan” was capable of doing that; thank you Tareque Masud for making ‘1971’ real for me.
By Sonhita
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