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শাহবাগ আন্দোলন

Be focused, stay focused (Chronicle of Rajib's killing foretold)

অতিথি লেখক's picture
Submitted by guest_writer on Tue, 19/02/2013 - 8:52am

Translated from লাইনে থাকুন, লাইনে রাখুন by নীড় সন্ধানী http://www.sachalayatan.com/hrrh69/48052

I did not know Rajib, I was not even familiar with his writings. So far as I know, in his lifetime, Rajib was not a well known or a popular blogger. But after his death, a frenzy had been created around him. I don’t know what was the motif behind targeting him. There were bloggers who are much more popular than him who could have been targeted. Rather Rajib was targeted. An advance news on Rajib’s death was there in the Sonar Bangla blog. What’s the reason behind that?