With regards to BTRC's probe into bloggers' personal info

পৃথ্বী's picture
Submitted by Prithvi [Guest] on Mon, 25/03/2013 - 9:24pm

*Translation of "বিটিআরসির ব্লগার সংক্রান্ত তথ্য অনুসন্ধান বিষয়ে - সন্দেশ*

Dear writers, guest writers and readers,

In the backdrop of the current political turmoil, due to the demands of the opposition party, BTRC have sent letters to different community blogs under the instruction of the government, asking for personal details of listed bloggers and adjuring blog authorities to remove content deemed by the BTRC as "blasphemous". We are extremely disappointed and appalled at this news.

As a writer community, Sachalayatan moderates its content to ensure courtesy and does restrict discussions of some topics, but Sachalayatan has always stood for freedom of expression. Sachalayatan believes that even though a platform, party or institution has the right to decide which content gets to be published, the State has no right to stifle any opinion. A country needs room for free expression for it to move forward.

Secondly, if religious sentiment deserves to be secured by means of censorship, then why shouldn't other sentiments receive the same privilege? Censorship to secure one sentiment or the other won't help conduce towards an environment of free public opinion.

Sachalayatan reserves no more information about an author other than his name, email id and IP address of published posts. But we want to reassure our readers and writers that Sachalayatan protects the privacy of its participants with the utmost care and won't yield to any illegal command.

However, though Sachalayatan is hosted by a server outside Bangladesh, Sachalayatan is respectful towards the laws of Bangladesh. In spite of not getting any such government notice till now, Sachalayatan will consult with said blogger, Sachalayatan's legal representative and the government's legal representative if the occasion arises.

But if any illegal request is made to remove content or disrupt a blogger's privacy, not only will Sachalayatan refuse to cooperate but will also be forced to take counter legal measures.

Glory be to free-thought. Let the mind be free.

Thank you.


এস এম মাহবুব মুর্শেদ's picture


Zia's picture

চমত্কার, হাততালি

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