Destination: Mirpur Mass Graves - Nazrul Bari

যাযাবর ব্যাকপ্যাকার's picture
Submitted by Jajabor.Backpacker on Fri, 08/11/2013 - 7:21pm

An incident near the end of the liberation war agitates me even today, it paralyses me. I do not recall the date clearly but it was around the third week of November, 1971. I used to live in the first house on Road. 32, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. It was near 4 or 4:30 in the afternoon. I had gone to Azimpur Colony with my own plans. Two of my friends used to live there, Naser Chowdhury, who was a student of the Engineering University back then and a famous goalkeeper in those days; and Santu from the Mohammedan Football Club. We were talking about a lot of things for quite some time - the ongoing liberation war, the freedom of our country, the activities of the freedom fighters, the atrocities of the Pak army and their Bengali collaborators- the Razakars, etc.

Both of my friends were directly involved in the liberation war. Naser advised me to be more careful the next few days as some big operations were to begin soon. We were cut short in our discussion as someone came and informed us that a curfew had been declared from 6 P.M. I decided to start for home immediately. I had to reach home by any means before the curfew. Santu kept urging me to stay the night, “I'll telephone your home and inform them.” he said.

But somehow I just didn’t listen to him. When I left Azimpur Colony and rushed to the main road it was 5:30 already. There were very few rickshaws on the street. The two or three that were available, were rushing towards their own destinations. No one wished to go around the Dhanmondi area. I didn't think it safe to be standing there and started walking towards the New Market fast... I was not walking actually, but rather running. Heavily perspiring I reached the place where the Bazaar of the New Market was situated, but with no luck, no rickshaws or buses were there either. It was nearly a quarter to six by then.

And right in front of the Bazaar, just near some other passersby like me were standing a group of Pak militia and some Razakars. I was thinking it would have been better had I stayed with Santu and Naser. But it wasn't possible to go back then. In the meantime a few local buses passed us. The Razakars and the Militia wouldn't let us get on them. After a while came another bus. We finally got on that one as they didn't resist much. But it was already past 6 P.M. yet the bus won't leave. I was breathing heavily. I noticed there were 4/5 Pak soldiers and several Razakars seating at the back of the bus. They had rifles.

At last the bus started. There was a Jeep and a truck carrying Pak soldiers at the petrol pump near Road-3 of Dhanmondi. The driver stopped when the bus got near them. The bus-driver and bus-conductor were both Non-Bengalis. A soldier got down from the Jeep and spoke with the driver. Then the Jeep and the truck left via Green Road. In those days the bus stoppages after the New Market were as follows – Science Laboratory, Road No. 5, Kalabagan Staff Quarters, Sukrabad, Sobhanbag, Asad Gate, and son on – upto Mirpur.

All the roads were deserted, not a single person was to be sighted anywhere. The bus crossed the stoppage of Road No. 5 and kept moving towards the Kalabagan Staff Quarters at a high speed. It was not stopping at any of the stoppages. The Bengali passengers for Road No. 5 and Kalabagan stoppages were yelling at the driver, “Rokho! Stop!”

The driver or the conductor didn't care. I shivered at a sudden thought, “What if something bad was to happen? What had the driver and the Pakistani army talked about?”
I was standing near the door of the bus, on the foothold of the door, holding the handles. As soon as I moved, a young non-Bengali Razakar pulled me in by my arm and said, “Bustards, Mirpur chaalo, we will make Chapali Kebab out of you Bengalis.”

I suddenly grasped the inner meaning behind his words - the bus won't be stopping anywhere, and wherever it would, that would be the end of my heartbeats forever. Neither me nor any of the other Bengali passengers were ever to return by that same route. I was facing certain death. They were taking us some place where my body will be criss-crossed with machine-gun bullets, then it will be either burned or buried somewhere. No one will ever know, my parents will never know where the murderers had taken their dear son Joglu, or how mercilessly they killed him. All these thoughts crossed my mind in the flash of a moment. The bus was crossing Dhanmondi 32 where I lived right then. I suddenly noticed my parents and my younger siblings standing on the first floor veranda of our house with my two aunts and the husband of my youngest aunt. They were looking at the streets and from their restless waving of hands it seemed as if they had spotted me on the bus.

I decided in that split second, there was no point dying like a dog, weaponless in the hands of these kidnappers. With a deliberate shake I freed my arm from that young Razakar and jumped from the moving bus. With a flip I rolled away quite a distance. My shirt and pants were torn, flesh was hanging out from the gush on the right side of the body and I was bleeding heavily. There were large pipes of Titas Gas company by the road, I jumped over those and managed to reach the house beyond them. The servant of that house had taken me to my house afterwards.

I later learned that none of the Bengalis in that bus could escape alive. They had lined up everyone from that bus under the Mirpur Bridge and then brush-fired.



  • 1. This is from the translation project some of us are working on of the book 1971: Dreadful Experiences (১৯৭১: ভয়াবহ অভিজ্ঞতা). The book is a collection of witness accounts to 1971 Liberation War and the Independence of Bangladesh by the country's educationists, writers, professionals. The book is edited by Rashid Hayder and was first published on the Victory Day of 1989.

    This is the personal account of a businessman, Nazrul Bari from Dhaka.

    Any suggestion regarding the translation will be appreciated by the translator in the comment section.
    Thank you.


সুমন চৌধুরী's picture
যাযাবর ব্যাকপ্যাকার's picture

Thanks for the inspiration Bod'da. We are at the reviewing stage of the book. Progress is slow as everyone has to manage time after their individual professional lives. But we hope to finish the project in the coming months.

I would appreciate a little more insight on the football players mentioned or on the writer himself if anyone has any further information. Perhaps those could be included as footnotes in the translated article or in an appendix.

ঘুমের মাঝে স্বপ্ন দেখি না,
স্বপ্নরাই সব জাগিয়ে রাখে।

রণদীপম বসু's picture

মিরপুর জল্লাদখানা নিয়ে বাংলা পোস্ট ছিলো এখানে :

কিন্তু ছবিগুলো কীভাবে যেন মুছে গেছে এখান থেকে ! অবশ্য ছবিগুলো আমার ব্যক্তিগত ব্লগসাইটে আছে এখনো এখানে :

‘চিন্তারাজিকে লুকিয়ে রাখার মধ্যে কোন মাহাত্ম্য নেই।’

যাযাবর ব্যাকপ্যাকার's picture

ধন্যবাদ রণ'দা। আপনার লেখাটা পড়েছিলাম। ছবিগুলো কি ফ্লিকার থেকে দিয়েছিলেন, নাকি পিকাসা? আপলোড করা মূল জায়গায় যদি ছবিগুলো থেকে থাকে, পোস্টটা এডিট করে আবার লিংক এমবেড করে দিলেই চলে আসার কথা মনে হয়। বা নতুন করে ফ্লিকার বা পিকাসায় আপলোড করে লিংক দিয়ে দিতে পারেন। ছবিসহ পোস্টটা আরও চমৎকার লাগবে।

ঘুমের মাঝে স্বপ্ন দেখি না,
স্বপ্নরাই সব জাগিয়ে রাখে।

রণদীপম বসু's picture

ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে। সচলের পোস্টটাতে আবারো ছবিগুলো জুড়ে দিলাম।

‘চিন্তারাজিকে লুকিয়ে রাখার মধ্যে কোন মাহাত্ম্য নেই।’

এক লহমা's picture



এক লহমা / আস্ত জীবন, / এক আঁচলে / ঢাকল ভুবন।
এক ফোঁটা জল / উথাল-পাতাল, / একটি চুমায় / অনন্ত কাল।।

এক লহমার... টুকিটাকি

যাযাবর ব্যাকপ্যাকার's picture

আপনারে অসংখ্য -ধইন্যাপাতা-

ঘুমের মাঝে স্বপ্ন দেখি না,
স্বপ্নরাই সব জাগিয়ে রাখে।

Naheed's picture

I would like to help with the translations - by ensuring the language, spellings, etc are correct & of a certain standard we can hope to reach more people across the world with the stories (facts) about the Liberation War. I hope you will get in touch with me in this regard. Thank you.

শিশিরকণা's picture

The project to translate this particular book is almost finished. But there are more projects ongoing. You can join this Facebook group where the first project was co-ordinated. There are more projects in the pipeline.

~!~ আমি তাকদুম তাকদুম বাজাই বাংলাদেশের ঢোল ~!~

অতিথি লেখক's picture

You people are doing really a great appreciative job.

Subodh Obodh

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