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I was in Jagannath Hall: Kaliranjan Sheel

শিশিরকণা's picture
Submitted by himika64 on Thu, 06/09/2012 - 1:51am

About an year ago a few of us decided to take on a project on translating literature in Bangla on Muktijuddha to English, so it can reach a wider audience across the globe. The first book that was chosen for this project was " ১৯৭১ঃ ভয়াবহ অভিজ্ঞতা" edidet by Rasheed Haider. It records the first hand accounts of witnesses in their own writings. Here is the first one of those accounts listed in the book. I present it here for your feedback on the translation work, spelling suggestions and any other suggestion you may have to improve upon the work. The original text in Bangla can be found here.