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A Shared Sense of Humanity and Reality : Gems of Wisdom

মন মাঝি's picture
Submitted by monmajhi [Guest] on Sun, 03/06/2012 - 5:18am

This is a collection of quotations / excerpts from a single source - one of my all time favourite articles (a monograph), authored by Stanley I. Greenspan, and Stuart G. Shanker. This collection can perhaps also be considered an approximate summary (in my opinion, may not be yours) of the original article - which is really a very long piece of writing (nearly 20,000 words, I guess). The selection and arrangement of the excerpts are mine.

Anyway, I prefer not to comment on the article or on the selected excerpts here, because the excerpts themselves speak voluminously and are self-explanatory enough, I believe.

In any case, reading the original article was a hugely enlightening, enriching and rewarding experience for me - a part of which I wanted to share with my fellow-bloggers and readers through the excerpts below. If you find this collection enlightening, enriching or rewarding at all, I would urge you to go and read the full article - the link of which has been provided at the bottom of this post. Thank you.